webinar ยท brand reputation

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brand reputation

In this webinar, I take you through what makes up your Brand Reputation in a way that will:

Using the PESO model (Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned Media), I break down the different forms of content you can publish which covers these four areas of communication. 

This webinar will give you so many new ideas on how to reach your ideal client, as well as ways to engage your audience and build your reputation. I hope it helps you to make the next step in building a bigger business.

This webinar will give you so many new ideas on how to reach your ideal client, as well as ways to engage your audience and build your reputation. I hope it helps you to make the next step in building a bigger business.



It basically does what it says – it’s any form of media that you pay for. You can also think of it as one-way communication. It’s you promoting what you offer to your target audience. This covers any sort of paid advertising, boosting content on social media to acquire new fans. As well as paid publishing, like advertorials in magazines, or sponsored content on other brands’ websites or blogs.

Brand Reputation Webinar - Paid Media

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Brand Reputation Webinar - Paid Media

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Brand Reputation Webinar - Earned Media

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This is where you’ve reaped the rewards from all the relationship-building you’ve been doing. And other brands or people are creating content and conversations about your brand, or your product or service. This can be from media relations (newspapers, consumer magazines and trade journals). As well as influencer relations, link building through with your website, and good ol’ word-of-mouth. 

Brand Reputation Webinar - Earned Media

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This covers any content you or your audience push out on ‘third party platforms’, so that’s all of the social media platforms and channels. So that’s your organic social media content, posts on review sites and private social media groups – anywhere that you publish content that you don’t own or control. The goal of Shared Media is to grow your audience and build awareness around your brand. 

Brand Reputation Webinar - Shared Media

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Brand Reputation Webinar - Shared Media

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Brand Reputation Webinar - Owned Media

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Again, this is about growing your audience and building awareness. However, this relates to all the content you create AND the platform you publish on, that you OWN. That’s your website, email, app (if you have one), anything where you are in control of the platform. Owned media is really important as you need to build a direct connection and form of communication with your clients and audience that isn’t controlled by someone else. 

Brand Reputation Webinar - Owned Media

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marketing comms

This is where Paid and Earned media collides and you’re being very specific with your audience engagement and targeting key segments. By linking your relationship-building with paid efforts, you’re looking at increasing engagement through influencers, events or experiences. What you’re doing here is trying to communicate a key message – what you want people to know about your brand – to your desired market.ย 

Brand Reputation Webinar - Marketing Comms

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Brand Reputation Webinar - Marketing Comms

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Brand Reputation Webinar - Community

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This is all about building relationships and engagement. There’s no paid aspect here – although it can be the result of paid content as it’s organically shared by others. It’s about bringing together audience growth and engagement through shared and earned content. From user-generated content, as well as brand ambassadors – both formal and informal ones – that advocate for your business.

Brand Reputation Webinar - Community

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Still a part of the Shared and Earned mix, Partnerships overlaps with some of the Community elements of the PESO model. Partnerships really supports your brand values and develops audience perception, that’s how they see your brand and what it represents. It’s about building mutually-beneficial partnerships through collaborations that introduce each brand to new audiences. Partnerships should be a win-win for everyone.

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How Shared and Owned media connect is all to do with the promotion and distribution of content. It’s all about building awareness around your brand. From curating content from other brands and sources that align with your brand to stretching content – and making your own content go further. Find content published by others that your audience would like.ย 

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lead generation

How you attract your buyers. Lead Generation, it’s kind of the whole point to all of your communication efforts, to get people through the door, buying your product, using your service – and then raving about it afterwards. Email Marketing is a key aspect of lead generation. Affiliate Marketing is great for bloggers to earn revenue through blog posts and links to other brands. Whilst Inbound Marketing is what all your hard work creating content is for. ย 

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brand reputation

All these elements of the PESO model work together to create the ‘Sweet Spot’. The bit in the middle where they all intersect to create your Brand Reputation. It’s more than what you communicate. You Brand Reputation is built up from how you perform and behave too. It’s about creating credibility and trust that you’re an authority in your industry. It gives people confidence in your brand, that you know what you’re doing. 

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